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Back to our three site case study

a wooden block that says seo on it

Whaaa . . . what!! Time for some more accountability/transparency!!

First, I want to remind you folks, that the three local site case study started out as a fully published and transparent case study, presented at SEO at The Beach, and I showed the URLs as well!!

Anyway, we finally have a bit of time under our belts, and some real data can start being looked at and shown. Remember, these sites didn’t really get started until Feb 15th!! So we are just two months in now.

Here you go, sites 1 through 3. Impressions and average position pulled from GSC. No, I will not do clicks because it’s a BS metric. Well not to say the metric itself is BS, but how Google reports it is. Meaning it’s not dependable.

Again, three local sites in the automotive niche all competing for the same keywords in the same location. The goal was, and still is, to cover most of page one for multiple keywords with our sites.

The keyword data in the following two images, is an aggregate of the three sites, not one of the individual sites.

Where Does Sank Stand Two Months In? The last data pulled for this is on 04/20/2024

We have twenty keywords in positions 1-3 in Google.

We have 45 keywords in the 1-10 positions in Google.

Site 1



Average Search Position


Site Two



Average Search Position


Site Three



Average Search Position

3 thoughts on “Back to our three site case study”

    1. We did it a little different on these, because they were really just created for the case study. We convert the leads from these sites, to the customer’s site, basically a great landing page of theirs that starts off by asking their make and model, and taking them straight to the parts or service they need, no BS email of phone form, the real thing. These are all high ticket options, and we get a commission based on sales.

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